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Iivanaien Johanna
biography / portrait
Johanna Iivanainen is well known not only for her solo career, but also for her co-operations with various interesting and significant artists. Her self titled solo debut was released in 2004. The album was a nominee for the Jazz Emma (The Finnish Grammy's) of the year. On her impressive and versitile career Johanna has participated in over a dozen albums.

She has also sung on various extensive tours such as the following tours for the Jazz Union: 1997 with the Khamos-group, Unit 6 (1997), Otto Donner Free For All (1999), Petri Puolitaival Quartet (2001), JimJamMurMur (2002) and Johanna Iivanainen Band (2003). In addition she has also performed with the Free Control-band, Perko-Pyysalo Poppoo, UMO, Antti Sarpila Swing Band and on gigs of her own band and as a duo with Mikko Iivanainen.

Johanna Iivanainen was awarded the Louis Armstrong Trophy in 2002 and the Sony Jazz -award in 2003. She has studied and teached in the Helsinki Pop & Jazz conservatoire and in Stadia.
