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Alarma Man
biography / portrait
Gothenburg, Sweden - home of many luminous Swedish acts also houses unexpected entities in it's dark corners. One of these entities seen as flash of light in the impending winter moving from street corner to street corner. It is a rogue in the night with the glint of his dagger reflecting a bright beam of the moon. Legends are created in the shadows and through these windy streets a door is found. Behind this door "labyrinth mathpunk" is created by 4 men who are collectively known as Alarma Man. Instrumental and daft in it's execution, Alarma Man can excite, sooth, and equally throw an unprepared listener into a state of confusion. Mind-numbing drum beats, steady bass lines, and odd guitar rhythms accenting with tapping that defies the nature of the sonic guitar itself. A mad mixture of dark intentions and old roving spirits that brings to mind Don Cabellero, Man Or Astroman, and Fugazi, yet with something all the more sinister and forward looking. The dagger has been found stuck into the wall with a note that simply says... Alarma Man.
You have been warned.
