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Boine Mari
Interpret : Boine Mari 
Album : Iddjagiedas (In The Hand Of The Night) 
VÖ-Jahr : 2006 
Medium : CD 
Label : Emarcy 
Vuoi vuoi mu - Vuoi vuoi Me
Gos bat munno cinjat leat? - Where Did All Our Colours Go?
Iddjagiedas - In The Hand Of The Night
Suoivva - The Shadow
Mu ustit engeliid sogalas - My Friend Of Angel Tribe
Davvi bavttiin - In The Mountains Of The North
Lottas - Little Bird
Diamantta spaillit - Reindeer Of Diamond
Geasuha - Irresistible
Afruvva - The Mermaid
Uldda nieida - Uldda Girl
Dalkkas - Big Medicine