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Benni Hemm Hemm
biography / portrait
Benni Hemm Hemm released the E.P. SummerPlate in the summer of 2003. The E.P. was a solo release, produced by Benedikt H. Hermannsson. The E.P. got one review that was very nice, by Árni Matthíasson at Morgunblađiđ.
After the first and only SummerPlate concert at Gallerí Nema Hvađ, Benni moved to Italy for a few months. There he wrote the bulk of the first full album under the name of Benni Hemm Hemm. The first performance of the big band of Benni Hemm Hemm, was on the 1st of May, 2004, at the 5th birthday of Kitchen Motors. And after that performance there was no turning back. In November the band started recording in Sundlaugin, the best studio in Iceland. There were seven songs recorded on 24 tracks on a very busy weekend.
Then in May 2005 the band recorded five more tracks in Klink & Bank. Klink & Bank was a very big working space for Icelandic artists that was rented out for free.
On the 2nd of September 2005 the Benni Hemm Hemm album was released in Iceland, on Smákökurnar.
On the 20th of January 2006 the album was released in Japan, on P-Vine Records.