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Shadow Parade
biography / portrait
A blend of midnight melodies, bittersweet melancholy and sweeping romanticism.
They are a reverse evolution, from the PC to a full blown six piece band. They where fashioned in the digital realm an electronic duo in January 2004, around the peerless song writing of Beggi Dan & Jón Gunnar.

Shadow Parade then moved from Akureyri to Reykjavík in pursuit of their music dream.With the relocation came a musical re-think. The duo decided the classic material they where producing would benefit from a broader sound palatte and the warmth of traditional instruments.

The first recruits to the expanded line up where brothers Andri Magnusson, bass and Magnus Orn Magnusson drums. As a rhythm section they have a telepathic groove that only siblings can produce. With the advent of such rhythmic dynamism the hard drive was switched off and the songs began to blossom. Shadow Parade completed their line up with the addition of Orn Eldjarn on guitar and Bjarni Margeirsson on keys and the rich complex sound of Shadow Parade was completed.

Shadow Parade are masters of the carefully crafted gritty folky-rock with additional darkness and starling intent. The mix of gravity defying guitars and emotive vocals that fly from the speakers and bury themselves in your memory. This is music with passion, soul and depth. Shadow Parade's hard work and talent is about to be unleashed on the world in the form of their debut LP Dubious Intentions.