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Oceano da Cruz
Interpret : Oceano da Cruz 
Album : No more Oceanomania / Rocksploitation 
VÖ-Jahr : 2006 
Medium : CD 
Label : Morningside Records 
J. Bro
Van Helsing
Deadly earnest Tenniscourt
Mr Beerbourineman
Beehives might Vicious
Penélope da Cruz
Tonny takes a Swim
Cookin' for a Crocodile
Turntable Blues
Endless Esmeralda
The Delight Machine
Guns for Elephant
The Love Song of the Oc.
J. Cohen
Step Down great King
Ricky Martin Style
This Body, This Paper, This Fire
Like Cameron's Car
Racing Originals
Heroes smoke Cigarettes
The Big Parade
I'm into you